Make Room For The Stuttering

On Being Open – Episode 257

Posted on: June 17, 2023

whs logo smallEpisode 257 features Gabriela Perez, who hails from Guilford, Connecticut. Gabriela just graduated from the University of Chicago with a major in Global Studies and Spanish and Portuguese.

She is going to Brazil for the next year under a Fulbright Scholarship to teach English at a Brazilian university.

Gabriela has a very tight knit family. She has a twin who also stutters and her younger sisters are also twins. Her entire family is attending the upcoming National Stuttering Association conference in July in Fort Lauderdale, FL, which was Gabriela’s first conference.

Listen in as we discuss using social media as a way to advertise stuttering, early and young adult experiences with speech therapy, and how Gabriela really believed that therapy would “cure” her stuttering. She set out to read scientific research articles so she would have a foundational understanding of stuttering.

Gabriela aspires to go to law school and hopes to one day work with victims of human rights violations, perhaps with the UN in a Latin American country.

Look out world. Here comes Gabriela!

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