Make Room For The Stuttering


pammyI have reached the point in my life where I have opinions about lots of things. This is a place to talk about life in general and my experiences with my stuttering journey. I have learned that life is too short to not share my story. I have something to say.

There are a lot of blogs about stuttering out there. I am not covering anything scientific or therapy related. I am not qualified to do that. What I will cover is often what is not talked about very much- the feelings and emotions that revolve around stuttering.  I remember when I helped with a workshop on stuttering recently, one of the SLP’s said that “the field” doesn’t get enough first hand experience from real people dealing with real stuttering issues.

So here it is – straight from my heart. Nothing but the truth.

15 Responses to "StutterRockStar"

I manage the national speech therapy library in the UK which is based in a college that trains speech therapists (pathologists). It would be really helpful for our students to read your blog. Would you object to having a link to it on my Links page?
Many thanks

PAM – grat job! i am really honored to know you! keep up the great attitude. see ya in chicago!

Hi Pam!

I have just discovered your blog and as a person who aslo stammers i would love to give you an interview and share my experiences.By the way,Anna passes her best regards.

Hope to hear from you soon


Hi Pam,
I am a person that stutters and would love to share my experiences, how I overcame the fear of facing everyday to day situations, I am now heavily involved int he theatre and have been in several plays and would love to do an interview with you. By the way I live in South Australia.
Love to hear from you

Hi Pam,
If you would like to chat with somebody in Christchurch, New Zealand, I would be happy to oblige.


Hi Pam – I came across the following website:

I signed up for the free membership and it looks pretty good (considering they just launched within the past couple of weeks). I’m thinking of purchasing the premium membership ($19.99/month) for at least the first month. Have you seen it, tried it, and/or know someone who has tried it yet?



Hi – I know of a few people who have signed up for it, although I don’t know if they have actually had success in meeting someone. I am familiar with the whole online dating thing, as it appears to be the way to go today with everyone’s very busy lives.
I tried eharmony and myself a few years back – just through their trial periods.
As for this stutterdate site, my opinion (and it is just my opinion) is that people who stutter shouldn’t try to date other people who stutter because they think they can’t attract anyone else. To me, the site sort of implies that stutterers are not worthy or capable of dating/meeting non-stutterers, and I don’t agree with that implication.
With that said, as long as it free, it can’t hurt for you to see what comes of it. Just don’t pin your hopes on this because it is stutter-friendly (supposedly.) Don’t limit your other options to meet people who don’t stutter.
Since you appear to be from California (Riverside?) check out some of the stuttering support groups in the CA area too. Since you’re trying to meet stutterers, try face-to-face as well in support groups.
Let me know how it works out for you.

Quick post but have u tried Anna Deeter with Roman’s methods ? Most interesting stuttering research I’ve come across so far. Let me know, thanks.

I really appreciate what you’re trying to do. I’ve been stuttering all my life also and for too many years I’ve had the wrong focus with my stuttering, which was to be fluent. I’m really learning how to really deal with the emotional side of stuttering.

I’m also seeing that there aren’t a lot of resources out there for people who stutter and dealing with the emotional side of stuttering. I’m thinking of starting a blog about that, any tips you have would be much appreciated? I definitely wanna keep following your blog!

I really enjoy your blog and what you’re trying to do with it. I’ve been stuttering all my life and for too many years I’ve been just focusing on trying to be fluent. I’m finally trying to focus on the emotional side of stuttering and I’m finding that there aren’t a lot of resources out there for that area.

I’m thinking about starting a blog also about the emotional side of stuttering. Any tips will be much appreciated! I definitely want to keep following your blog!

Hi Pam, you mentioned sometimes not getting feedback on posts or podcasts and I wanted to tell you how amazing the podcasts are for me. Both the stories and listening to the sounds of women stuttering with confidence is truly liberating and empowering. I’m working my way through the back catalogue. I am laughing, tearing, nodding all the way through. I can not thank you enough… What you do is so valuable to me and many others.

Hi Pam,
Congratulations on the blog. It’s great to see awareness-raising things like this on the internet.
I’m 51 and I’ve stuttered my whole life. I now teach history at the University of South Australia, in Adelaide, and write short stories, film scripts and history. My first novel will be published in February 2016, by MidnightSun Publishing. The protagonist of First Person Shooter is Jayden, a 15-year-old boy who stutters. Part of Jayden’s journey is finding a way to deal with the shame that comes from trying to hide his impediment, but the novel goes to some very dark places before he begins to find a way to cope.
Would you be interested in reading it? Perhaps with a view to blogging about it? If so, I’ll send you a copy as soon as they’re printed. No obligations about blogging of course.
Anyway, keep up the good work.
If you’d like a copy of the book, please let me know your postal address.
All the best,
Dr Cameron Raynes
South Australia

Cameron, I fought the same battle for 25 years. As a young trial attorney, I couldn’t even say my name in court. With the help of six sessions with a psychiatrist and years of trial and error, I did find my own ways of making my stuttering undetectable, even though fears of it still haunt me every day; the good news is that people can’t tell that I am still fighting stuttering. I’m long in the tooth now and long retired, and I have decided to make stuttering my charity; that is, a couple months ago, I released a book detailing my methods, which are quite different from anything that I’ve read in dozens of stuttering-books. My book (Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures, which is on Kindle), I GIVE away to stutterers, their parents and therapists, no strings attached (no products, clinics or anything else to sell – I’m long past all of that). So, if you want my book free, just email me your email address to, and I’ll buy a copy for you. I only ask one thing in return: Feedback; that is, your suggestions, as my goal is to tweak my self-cures as needed to help others. Regardless, good luck to you. Lee

Pam, I love what you’re doing. I have loathed Satan Stuttering all my life, and I applaud anyone who does anything to mitigate it. I fought the same battle for 25 years. As a young trial attorney, I couldn’t even say my name in court. With the help of six sessions with a psychiatrist and years of trial and error, I did find my own ways of making my stuttering undetectable, even though fears of it still haunt me every day; the good news is that people can’t tell that I am still fighting stuttering. I’m long in the tooth now and long retired, and I have decided to make stuttering my charity; that is, a couple months ago, I released a book detailing my methods, which are quite different from anything that I’ve read in dozens of stuttering-books. My book (Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures, which is on Kindle), I GIVE away to stutterers, their parents and therapists, no strings attached (no products, clinics or anything else to sell – I’m long past all of that). So, if you want my book free, just email me your email address to, and I’ll buy a copy for you. I only ask one thing in return: Feedback; that is, your suggestions, as my goal is to tweak my self-cures as needed to help others. Regardless, good luck to you and all stutterers whom you help. Lee

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