Make Room For The Stuttering

Start With Compassion – Male Ep. 25

Posted on: October 5, 2018

He-StuttersEpisode 25 of this occasional male series features Rob Dellinger who hails from Raleigh, North Carolina. He is a school-based SLP who stutters who also serves as a consultant for peers who work with students who stutter.

This episode is a little longer in length than I usually like to go but it is important, compelling and current. We both share a little bit about our stories of trying to hide our stuttering and how stuttering dictated our career choices.

We focus very much on how to go about helping kids who stutter, or have any diagnosed mental health issue, like anxiety, learn healthy strategies to develop successful communication skills, stuttering and all in some cases. We talk about not perpetuating avoidance when kids “opt out” of public speaking in school or college.

We emphasize the importance of having compassion and meeting kids “where they’re at.” Pushing kids who may not be ready to be pushed may actually “tip the scales” in favor of a kid who stutters choosing silence (like I did) or a kid with anxiety being caused needless harm.

There are ways to hierarchically help kids start with small challenges and then move up to bigger challenges as they are ready. Rob mentions how he does this in therapy with kids who stutter. This helps the kid feel like the adult/teacher/SLP cares about them and helps them develop crucial communication skills that we all need for college and careers.

We reference the article Teens Are Protesting In-Class Presentations. Take a few minutes to read the article. It’s not long and it is really important.

This was an amazing conversation. Both of us would love your feedback.

The music clip used in this episode is credited to Bensound.


3 Responses to "Start With Compassion – Male Ep. 25"

Mr. Dellinger is the real deal. His authenticity and honesty shines in this podcast. Very important for all of us to understand the link with anxiety. My son is a stutterer who has confidence and assertiveness thanks to Rob! SLPs are such an integral part of shaping our future communicators.

Jasmine, from the heart, thank you for your kind words! It is a privilege to work with a parent like you – mindful, accepting, supportive, and encouraging. I appreciate you!

Rob is truly a valuable resource to the SLPs in our school district. Personally Rob has taught me so much about recognizing and addressing the cognitive and emotional needs of children who stutter. So glad he had the opportunity to share his story and his knowledge on your platform. Hope you two continue this collaboration in the future. Thank you so much for sharing your story as well Pam. Take care and best wishes!

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