Make Room For The Stuttering

Her Second Language-Episode 107

Posted on: August 5, 2013


Episode 107 features Rachel Martinez, who hails from Albuquerque, NM. Rachel just recently moved to Los Angeles, CA in order to pursue her dream of becoming a professional dancer.

Rachel introduces herself as “I’m a person who stutters, but that’s definitely OK.”

Rachel is a self-taught dancer and dreams of dancing for her career. She explains that when she dances, she doesn’t stutter, and wants to be known for her dancing, not her stuttering. She feels a freedom of expression when dancing.

Listen in as we discuss meeting at the National Stuttering Association annual conference – Rachel’s first one – meeting other people who stutter and support group meetings. We also talk about fear, and revealing your true self under all that stuttering.

The podcast safe music clip used in this episode is credited to ccMixter.

Feel free to leave comments or just let Rachel know what a great job she did. Remember, feedback is a gift.

5 Responses to "Her Second Language-Episode 107"

I remember meeting Rachel at the conference. She was very nice & her poem in open mic was great! I agree that as a first timer at a conference, the event is a life changing experience. Best of luck to Rachel!

Thanks for checking in Briana – I know it was your first time at the conference as well, and I hope you will come next year. It’s funny, people always say it’s life changing, but you don’t really get it until you’ve gone. I am glad to have met both Rachel and Briana!

Thanks for the inspiring podcast. I really liked Rachel’s comment about replacing the fear in her mind with the memories from the Conference. Carrying the coin around does that, too.

So glad that Rachel accepted to share her thoughts! We briefly met at the NSA Conference, and I am grateful of having attended the last open mic workshop where she shared her wonderful poem with attendees. Listening to her made me realize that people who stutter find various ways of expressing themselves, yet sometimes this alternate “voice” isn’t enough. The stuttering community is enriched with people like Rachel. Another great role model for young girls and women who stutter. I suggested to her that she could eventually organize dance workshops geated towards kids at an upcoming NSA Conference. Or maybe get in touch with Taro Alexander, fromthe Our Time Theater Company, and set up something for kids. That would be great!

If like to find out who else is a stutterer in Los Angeles so that we can start a support group

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